Air valves are universally recognized as the most effective airflow control tools for liquid conveyance systems. Basically, air valves for exhausting air should be located at points on the pipeline to which air tends to be drawn, and/or where air tends to collect. Air valves are an important tool for surge dampening and suppression. Air intake requirements are usually considered the determining factor in air valve sizing. SHREE KRISHNA offers the following three types of air valve.
- Single Acting (Large/Small orifice type)
- Double acting (Double acting Air valve & Kinetic Air Valve)
- Temper Proof Combination type air valve
- Available in PN10 / 16 /25 Pressure Ratings.
- Complies with the requirements of IS 14845 & AWWA- C512.
- Very efficient air release/ inlet mechanisms.
- The Air Valve size can be selected 1/5 of the diameter of the main pipe.
- Combination air valve or Tamper proof air valve eliminates water wastage and protect pipeline from collapse during pump shut down.
- Size Range: 40mm to 200mm